“Advanced Materials” Workshop 21-25 July 2019, St. St. Constantine and Helena resort, Varna, Bulgaria
The 4th Workshop “Advanced Materials“, organized within the H2020 project Materials Networking, will take place from the 21st to 25th of July, 2019 in St. Konstantin and Helena resort, Varna, Bulgaria. The Workshop will be attended by scientists from all four partnering organizations of the project, namely Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy, Sofia University, Bulgaria, coordinator of the project, University of Cambridge, UK, Max Plank Institute for Polymer Research, Mainz, Germany and the Faculty of Chemistry, University of Barcelona.
The research topics that will be presented at the Workshop cover a broad range of advanced materials related scientific fields.
Plenary lectures will be given by Prof. Lindsey Greer, Head of the School of Physical Sciences and Professor of Materials Science from Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy (DMSM) and Prof. Pere Alemany i Cahner, Departament de Ciència de Materials i Quimica Fisica & Institut de Química Teòrica i Computacional, University of Barcelona. Lectures will be also presented by Prof. Vasant Kumar, Head of Materials Chemistry Group, Professor in Materials Chemistry in DMSM and Director of studies and Tutor of Trinity Hall, Professor Ruth Cameron, Professor of Materials Science and joint Director of Cambridge Centre for Medical Materials, Professor Zoe Barber, Professor of Materials Science and member of the Device Materials Group, Prof. Chris Pickard, Sir Alan Cottrell Professor of Materials Science, DMSM, Dr. Kaloian Koynov, Group leader, Physics of Interfaces Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, Dr. Stanislav Balouchev, Group Leader, Photophysical Chemistry, Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, etc.
On the 23th of July, the Steering Committee of the project will have a meeting at which there will be discussions about the project progress and achievement of the project goals and targets.
Book of abstracts Advanced Materials workshop Varna 2019_04
“Materials Networking” project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 692146.
“Advanced Materials” Workshop 21-25 July 2019, St. St. Constantine and Helena resort, Varna, Bulgaria
The 4th Workshop “Advanced Materials“, organized within the H2020 project Materials Networking, will take place from July 21st to 25th, 2019 in Sts. Constantine and Helena resort resort, Varna, Bulgaria. The Workshop will be attended by scientists from all four partnering organizations of the project, namely Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy, Sofia University, Bulgaria, coordinator of the project, University of Cambridge, UK, Max Plank Institute for Polymer Research, Mainz, Germany and the Faculty of Chemistry, University of Barcelona.
The research topics that will be presented at the Workshop cover a broad range of scientific fields all related to the advanced materials. This workshop will combine lectures of experts from the partner institutions and from the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy, showing the main achievements and progress of the research activities in the Faculty in the corresponding area, to facilitate the communications and networking with leading researchers from the partner institutions, and to focus the plans for the future research activities.
The workshop will end with a Steering Committee meeting, which will discuss the implementation of the main project activities so far, as well as the reporting activities in the last year of the project.
You can find more information about the application procedure here:
Advanced Materials Workshop 2019 Invitation
Advanced Materials Workshop 2019 Abstract Template
“Materials Networking” project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 692146.
Workshop “Advanced Materials” H2020 Materials Networking project, 11-14 September 2018, Djuni, Bulgaria
The 3rd Workshop “Advanced Materials“, organized within the H2020 project Materials Networking, took place from September 11th to 14th, 2018 in Duni, Bulgaria. The Workshop was attended by scientists from all four partnering organizations of the project, namely Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy, Sofia University, Bulgaria, coordinator of the project, University of Cambridge, UK, Max Plank Institute for Polymer Research, Mainz, Germany and the Faculty of Chemistry, University of Barcelona.
Group photo of the participant at the 3rd Workshop “Advanced Materials“, September 11th-14th, 2018, Duni, Bulgaria
Moreover, scientists from other research organizations such as Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Queen Mary University of London, UK, University of South Australia, Mawson Lakes, Australia, Institute of Chemistry, Skopje, Macedonia, University of Melbourne, Australia, Wageningen University, Wageningen, Netherlands and University College London, UK also took part in the Workshop.
The research topics presented at the Workshop covered a broad range of scientific fields all related to the advanced materials such as fuel cells, catalysis, smart materials, etc. At the Workshop were presented 1 plenary lecture, 33 oral presentations and 14 short presentations. The plenary speaker Prof. Konstantin Neyman from University of Barcelona gave a lecture entitled “Density-functional modelling of nanocomposite materials for catalysis and new energy technologies”. The short oral presentations were an opportunity for young researchers from all partnering organizations to present their research activities.
On 14th September, the Steering Committee of the project had a meeting at which it was discussed how the project progresses and how the project goals and targets had been achieved so far. Also, the plan for the project activities envisaged for the last year of the project was outlined and discussed.
“Materials Networking” project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 692146.
3rd Workshop“Advanced Materials“
The third workshop “Advanced Materials” was held from 11 to 14 September 2018 at Marina Royal Palace, Duni, Bulgaria.
Lecturers from partner organizations:
Prof. Konstantin Neyman- FC-UB
PhD Martí López Berbel – FC-UB
PhD Joan Coines – FC-UB
PhD Martin Amoza – FC-UB
Julia Garcia – FC-UB
Lorena Vega – FC-UB
Dr Benlin Hu – MPI-P
Dr. Kai Zhang – MPI-P
Dr David Ng – MPI-P
PhD Leona Lingstedt – MPI-P
PhD Elham Khodabakhshi – MPI-P
hD Anielen Halda Ribeiro – MPI-P
PhD -Kai Philipps – MPI-P
Prof. Krasimir Vasilev – MPI-P
Dr Agnieszka Mierczynska-Vasilev – MPI-P
PhD Tahmida Huq – DMSM-UCAM
Dr. Jingwei Hou – DMSM-UCAM
Dr. Rumen Tomov – DMSM-UCAM
2nd Workshop“Advanced Materials“
The 2nd Workshop“Advanced Materials“ organized within the H2020 project Materials Networking was held from the 10th to the 13th of September, 2017 in Festa hotel Via Pontica, Pomorie, Bulgaria.
In the programme were presented keynote lectures, lectures (20 min) and flash-presentations (5 min) designed especially for young scientists to have the opportunity to present their research.
Lecturers from partner organizations:
Dr. Kai Zhang – MPI-P
Prof. Markus Bannwarth – MPI-P
Prof. Krasimir Vasilev – MPI-P
Prof. Francesc Viñes – FC-UB
Dr. Marta Reig Canyelles- FC-UB
Dr. Oriol Piqué- FC-UB
Dr. Lorena Vega- FC-UB
Dr. Rumen Tomov – DMSM-UCAM
Dr. Stoyan Smoukov – DMSM-UCAM
Book of abstracts Pomorie 2017
1st Workshop “Advanced Materials“
The 1st Workshop “Advanced Materials“ organized within the H2020 project Materials Networking was held from the 14th to the 16th of October, 2016 in Riu, Pravets, Bulgaria.
The programme included lectures from visitors from the partner institutions, as well as presentation of the groups from the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy and their current field of work, aiming at finding common research interests and following long-term cooperation with scientists from the partner organizations.
Lecturers from partner organizations:
Prof. Hans-Jürgen Butt – MPI-P
Dr. Kaloian Koynov – MPI-P
Prof. Mark. Blamire – DMSM-UCAM
Dr. Stoyan Smoukov – DMSM-UCAM
Prof. Konstantin Neyman – FC-UB
Dr. Jaume Garcia-Amorós – FC-UB
Dra. Dolores Velasco – FC-UB