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Dissemination, exploitation, and communication management
The Dissemination, exploitation, and communication management of the project will be accomplished mainly in the framework of WP5. The main goal of the Plan for Dissemination is to provide details for the dissemination activities to be undertaken during the project, as well as after its completion. It will be the guideline to the partners for their activities related to project output dissemination.
The dissemination and exploitation activities envisaged to be performed within the project would ensure that:
 as many institutions, authorities, companies and people in charge, as possible will be acquainted with the project “Materials Networking” goals, activities and achievements
 the project will be established as a pillar in the field of Advanced Functional Materials and its name will become as a keyword for an excellent research centre in the same field in Bulgaria, the region and also at EU level.
 the project results and outputs will be further used and exploited after the end of the project